Little did I know that an argument about my goal to be a director would spur a career shift and long-term commitment to helping others through food. I was told, by someone who I thought didn’t fully know me yet, that I spend more time in the kitchen and supermarket, reading food blogs and scouring Yelp for restaurants more than anything else. That sounded a lot to me like I was a true foodie and I should find a way to see if it was really a life I wanted – a life that would inspire me to get up in the morning for work that did not feel like work and, in turn, give me happiness.
After spending almost 2 months (and a lot of savings) away from Manila-land, eating my way through California and New York, I returned home and received crippling career news. A contract I considered a safety net was not renewed, I was momentarily at a loss but immediately took to action.
In true Bianca-fashion, I decided to go back to school and make something ELSE of myself. I wrote to the Center of Culinary Arts, Manila and expressed my desire to take my love for food further. I was again, candid and honest in my letter to them. What I got in return was a scholarship.
This is a start of a new career path that is set in stone. With this education, I will open restaurants that reflect my food philosophies, help people achieve their health and image goals through proper nutrition and be a TV cook (my humble term for celebrity chef). I may have been wrong about the whole director thing FOR NOW, but I was right on the mark about studying filmmaking and applying it to my acting career.
Everything is coming full circle with this blog and hopefully more projects that involve entertainment and food will pour in just as my passion for this new beginning continues to grow everyday.
Go go go girl….. ^_^
im looking forward for recipes soon…..
I can see you love cooking. Keep it up B! I love reading your blog.
Love always,
B 🙂
Thank you! Keep reading!
You seem so smart Bianca. I think you will do good in whatever career you’ll be in. Good luck on your blog and businesses. God bless!
Sometimes things don’t go according to plan.. but I love that you kept your cool and made an even better plan. Love your blog, very inspiring. 🙂
Thank you! Yup, I thought my career was over hahaha. But look, I’m much happier now and more fulfilled! I’m acting again too….
Hi bianca! I dont know how to cook but from the time i saw on instagram that u ventured in cooking healthy foods, i dont know but it kinda inspired me to learn how to cook too.. can i just ask how much is the fee on that culinary school? And do they offer the course also in 6months ? Thankyou and continue to inspire others!
Hi! You can get all the details from http://cca-manila.edu.ph
Call them up and look for Jhez! She’s the right girl to talk to =)
Hi Ms, Bianca, this is sofielicious from IG and a new avid reader of your blog that I truly admire and just injected my self from what I learned from you space in cyber world. This blog is awesome boost for self-worth! anyway, I hope you can share with us how to make scrambled egg ala-restaurant style. Why are they so fluffy and creamy! what is the secret of that simple scrambled egg! Thank you and Cheers! I hope you will have a book soon.
There’s no special secret to scrambled eggs except mayonnaise! But mayo isn’t healthy at all ok? It’s very fattening so eat in moderation. Thanks for liking my blog! I appreciate your comment. And I will definitely write a book with recipes and healthy tips in the very near future =)
Wow! I now have new blog to follow and now it’s from the beautiful and kind Bianca King. 😀 I am subscribing. 😉 I am so happy for you, Bianca. Keep it up! xx
Thanks for the love! I appreciate every word =)
Thanks!!! Happy to have more avid readers!
Life doesn’t always pan out the way we planned. I’ve been there. I was studying in France for my Phd but realized that the Art world didn’t give me the same happiness the way food did. So, I quit and went to culinary school instead. It’s hard work but being part of a team that put out great food and seeing the smiles on peoples faces once they take a bite is the best part. Like they said, “If Plan A didn’t work. The alphabet has 25 more letters!” 🙂
YOU’RE AWESOME! Congrats on your new show. Keep up the great work!
Awesome story! Food is a calling, for sure. But not for the faint-hearted either.