Cashew milk is the easiest and healthiest nut milk you can make at home with just a blender. Cashews are also grown in the Philippines so it’s more affordable than almonds. The fat content of cashews are high so you can control the creaminess of it. If you’re using cashew milk for coffee or soups, you’d want it a little creamier. If you’re using it for cereal or smoothies, you can make it less creamy by adding more water. So easy! Recipe below!

Even if I stopped drinking cow’s milk years ago, I don’t feel deprived at all with the many non-dairy options available now. But buying packaged nut milks can be pricey and not the healthiest either since most of them have additives and too much sugar.

Cow’s milk, on the other hand, isn’t the best for humans to consume either. Some of us are intolerant to lactose, some of us are allergic, but in general, I think we should be leaving cow’s milk to baby cows. Remember that it does come from mama cows who just had babies and those babies need that milk. But I eat cheese!!! Confusing right?
It’s all about balance though. I wouldn’t recommend drinking or eating dairy everyday as the world does need to cut down on it’s consumption of animal products. Factory farming does immense harm to the planet.
If I do feel like having cow’s milk as a treat, it has to be organic. If I we’re to recommend one health tip if you can’t knock your dairy habit, only buy organic and pasture-raised dairy. At least the cow it’s coming from grazed on grass and moved about under the sun like they are supposed to. Factory farmed cows are grain fed and are confined to small spaces, prone to disease, so they are injected with antibiotics to keep them from getting sick and also with hormones to make them grow fatter faster. Nope, don’t put that milk or cheese in your body. It has its own health risks for humans and I won’t even get started on that.

If I were to recommend the best heath tip for milk? I would say make this cashew milk. It is simple, affordable, good for you and tastes great!

Homemade Cashew Milk
Makes 2.5 cups

1/2 cup roasted cashews, soaked for 24 hours
2 1/2 to 3 cups of water
1 tsp honey
1/4 tsp salt
- Put cashews, 2 1/2 cups of water, honey and salt in a blender.
- Blend.
- Add more water if you find it too thick or creamy.
That’s it!
Perfect for a hot chocolate or creamy coffee minus the guilt and discomfort of dairy. =)