Baked Meatballs and Marinara on Brown Rice Spaghetti
Such simple comfort food made even more wholesome! Brown rice pasta is definitely a better alternative to semolina pasta. Pasta lovers and weight watchers would agree that it is great for…

Classic and Creative Japanese food at Minami Saki
Japanese cuisine has become highly competitive in Manila. I remember the days when all people were after was a good California Maki and Chicken Teriyaki. With the amount of options…

Innovative Filipino Design at Manila FAME 2015
I adore interior design and Filipino furniture makers! They are so talented and inspiring. I went around Manila FAME in SMX late last year to search for some inspiration and…

My Very Own Restaurant Runner’s Kitchen
Before anything else, you must know that I own this restaurant. So certain biases will arise. And before I even write about other places, I need to write about my…

The best things about Singapore with Mari Jasmine
Sometime in December last year while Mari was helping me move back into my newly renovated home, she mentioned a trip a Singapore she had told me about a while…

Goofing around in The Trick Eye Museum Singapore
The Trick Eye Museum in Singapore makes a comeback with brand new art exhibits and themed zones. Mari and I enjoyed goofing around and taking photos! The newly updated museum…

the best Bohol food and tourist destinations
Franco and I planned this itinerary so that we could squeeze as much as we could and get the most out of the day. We strategically lined up key destinations…

Bellevue Bohol Vacation with the best friend
A much needed break from Manila. I was ecstatic to have my dear friend with me. We made the most out of everything Bohol had to offer. It is definitely…

H&M Home Holiday Collection Styled by Bianca King
If there’s something I could do for a living, separate from the work I do as a TV personality and fitness entrepreneur, it would be to design and decorate spaces. …