I definitely do not have the best shape or form but what I do have is the heart and soul for Yoga. After roughly 5 years of practicing regularly, my discovery of how to truly gaze inward and understand the real Yoga has enabled me to reap the rewards of the practice. It is my work out of choice that brings me back to my center. By center, I don’t mean some hifalutin, hippie expression that no one outside of the walls of the padded walls of my imagination can grasp. What center means to me is being able to shut the noise of my own brain off, be completely aware of the life that runs through me and create my own energy that I disseminate into productivity once I leave the studio.
Every time somebody approaches me with their interest to try Yoga, the first class I take them to is Vinyasa. Being able to flow with the rhythm of your breath connecting with the movement of your body makes Vinyasa is one of the most challenging but beneficial Yoga practices for me. Your body tries to keep up with pace and while your mind focuses on listening to what the next posture will be. All that coupled with the awareness of who, what and where you are. The dynamic and diverse movements vary in each class. I love taking Vinyasa or Flow classes under different instructors because they each have their own style and choreography. Even in a cooler atmosphere, my calm focus enables me to generate enough heat in my body to soak my Yoga clothes. Let this be the first of many inspiring videos that will rouse your interest in fitness and wholesome living. Namaste.
Everything in this is simply beautiful. Sa movement, the formarion, the ambience, the wear, & of course Bianca King! Even her blog on this is quite inspiring. Makes me wanna try Yoga to get all that calm & energy!
Come practice yoga at Beyond Rockwell! Or keep checking the blog for my yoga videos and you can practice at home.
Hi Bianca,
I like to do yoga but I don’t where and how to start hahaha I’m one of your follower in IG and of course a fan of yours, i’d love to come in rockwell but I can’t coz I’m abroad. What can you advise please? Thankz
Start by watching youtube yoga videos and find a yoga studio near you. Enrol and commit!
Unlike the uber thin models and celebrities I now see on TV, it really is quite refreshing to see someone as popular as you looking so healthy, fit, and glowing. I’ve been practicing yoga for about three years. Unlike what most people think, yoga is very challenging both for the body and the mind. I have had mat mates and friends who just gave up after a few weeks or months of practice. That is why I admire you for sticking to yours for five years. Despite all the distractions of your profession as an actor your dedication to yoga is truly inspiring. Thumbs up, too, for being a positive influence to a lot of people! Namaste!
Yay I’m glad to know you see it that way! Because yes, yoga does make me whole and good about myself! I’m not skinny at all, I’m kinda bottom heavy. But I feel strong and alive =)