Around this time two years ago, I was a mess. I thought I was going to die form heartache and sadness. I had been broken up with by my own cellphone (yeah, break up text), my dad was hospitalized due to an infection from quadruple heart bypass surgery and my lola was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer. That was right smack in the midst of Christmas season. Merry Christmas, Bianca! God loves you! Indeed he does. The lessons that came from that devastation were what I needed to set my mind in a better direction. So I shut my trap, stopped being a whiny drama queen and thrust myself into the world outside of my comfort zone. With that, I wrote.
Writing this Heartbreak Manifesto was liberating. It set me free from the trap of searching for answers I didn’t need.
“What did I do wrong?”
“What can I do to fix it?”
“How do you make the pain go away?
“Why me??? WHY?”
I was finally coming to terms with my emotions and talking to my laptop unwound the baggage I had been carrying from a stupid break up. I was honestly just telling myself to get my shit together and get over myself.
“It’s over, woman!”
“Move on!”
If you are in any form of emotional stress, I hope reading this will soothe the anxiety a little. Here is that article published in Meg Magazine that I love going back to when I’m feeling a little down…
Written on a winter bus ride through Alberta, Canada at the start of my 6-week, 6-city North American sojourn to find what was there all along, I piece together what makes me tick to lose what keeps me stuck.
We reach a turning point in our life where everything we knew as normal is up-ended, spun around and tossed, blindsiding us while the rug we so nicely laid on the ground is pulled out from under us. You ask yourself what to do. How do you deal with this earth-shattering snowball of unpleasant surprises?
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I’ve heard many crash-and-burn and recover stories. You’ve all been through something. In that moment where you feel like the world is caving in on you, your inner child is on the floor weeping for mommy to make it all go away. But you are no child. You have brought yourself to where you are today. No one knows better than you what you need to do to cope. But it’s tough. You want someone to give you the answers. You want someone to tell you what went wrong, why you, why now. You need someone to tell you what to do, how to act, so your thoughts and feelings can wallow in the dumpster a little longer. It seems like the hardest thing to do when you’re at a loss is think of how to get out. So what do you do when you feel like there’s nothing you CAN do? You break up with the past. Toss it out along with every single thing that keeps you stuck.
I am still working out my own kinks. I feel that in my process, I can be of help to those “who feel they can get through their predicament if they are given assistance.” But before you listen to anyone else, know that there is nobody but you who can pick yourself up and build a better version of yourself. Here is a framework that I follow for everyday life, but even more so when I feel that life is anything less than amazing. And it should never be that way because life is just THAT, amazing. Go be amazing with it.
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1. They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
I say, plant the seeds of your favorite fruit-bearing tree, make a nice pie with the prime-quality fruit you have harvested and use the lemons to add an extra kick to that homemade pastry. Then share the warm sweetness with the people who have gathered around you just to have a little bite of that awesomeness. Hey and if you spot a lucky one who shares the same taste buds, maybe you’ll give him/her a whole slice.
2. Fully equip yourself for the battles that lie ahead.
Be the best version of yourself as often as you can but still love anything that is less than perfect. Contentment is found in the satisfaction of getting through any task. We will never be 100% content and we shouldn’t be. So we must do more new things to always experience this satisfaction that is one you should be addicted to. If you think there’s nothing really new in life to excite you, why not set it up for yourself? Of course you won’t wait for it to fall on your lap!
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3. Mind, body, heart and soul. Treat them as possessions that need constant polishing. They are, after all, God’s precious gifts and you only get one of each.
Open your mind to the infinite knowledge the world has to offer.
Accept that you know less compared to those who have come before you. But show them what a sponge you can be. Write with no deadline. Dance to music that doesn’t necessarily come from instruments. Sing along to lyrics you are hearing for the first time. Read a language you can’t speak. Speak with your heart’s mouth. Or better yet, speak of ideas to make this world a better place. Or even better, map out the plans for these ideas and utilize all your resources to set them in motion. Commit and follow through.
Subject your body to the training it needs to perform on life’s stage.
Let it perspire and release toxins. Burn calories and enjoy the free endorphins that come with it. Try to cultivate real talent from what was once a minor skill. Feed your body with things that make it happy but still let it live another day in better shape. Work for your food. And I don’t just mean in the workplace! In the kitchen! They say you are what you eat. I say you are what you cook. If you can’t cook, what are you then? Don’t rely on anyone for what you put into your body. I mean that in every sense of that statement.
Love with your heart’s gut.
Your heart is a being all on its own. It is not just any ordinary body part. We already know (based on how we have let it take over) that the heart has a mind of its own. It has a spine that connects its brain to your limbs. Use that backbone to dance with someone truly worthy of a waltz. One who has equally trained and fed themselves well. They should teach you new things. Let them. Even if they have read or traveled less than you have, their life lessons should be ones they are proud to speak of. Hopefully the money they have has come from their own hard work but even if it didn’t or they have yet to receive their fortune, they MUST know the value of loose change and what you can acquire if you put it all together. They should say openly that even if they aren’t satisfied with the wealth they have amassed, they want to work hard to see the world with you. Then want to work even harder to provide a home for you when you both return from your travels. Your heart also has mouth, stomach and gut – a very sensitive digestive system that will hurt very badly if you feed it the wrong things. You don’t want a tummy ache now, do you? Much less induce your own vomiting.
Offer your soul.
As if to light a candle in church and offer a prayer for something you need, ignite a fire inside you by giving a part of yourself to someone else. Honor your family. Help a stranger. Pay it forward. Lend a hand. No amount of material rewards can equate to the fulfillment one gets from making someone smile.
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4. You best be on your toes or else.
I’ve always believed in tiptoeing through life. Admittedly though, at times I have become complacent that everything going well for me will stay stuck in a bubble only I can burst. As I grow older, I scold myself less about the youthful self-entitlement we get from instant gratification. Experience has made me more aware of how fleeting everything is – health, love, success, money and even relationships. The things we value the most are the ones, I think, can slip away the easiest and most painfully if we don’t tiptoe around them. Hold them delicately in the palms of your hands. Stop dragging your feet around life. Don’t stomp your way through your issues, don’t float around them or lay flat in them either. You will sink sooner that you think. Instead, try getting on the lowest tip of your body and propel yourself up to highest point possible without your feet lifting off the ground. Once you’ve found your balance, put some rhythm to your step and dance for the world to see. Like a prima ballerina who, no matter how rigorous her life-long training has been, will not be able to awe people with her turn out and pointe if she doesn’t dance from the heart. Give the same passion and dedication to everything you do. Be with gratitude everyday.
5. To close for comfort? Step out of your comfort zone.
Getting tired of the monotonous, mundane or monstrous realities of everyday life? Travel. It can be as easy as a weekend at your friend’s house, a trip to your province or 6 weeks to 6 cities with people anticipating your presence. These could be people close to your heart or people who you have yet to love. The point is, get off your high horse and get out of yourself. Give yourself a chance to breathe foreign air, eat with an open mind, live out of a suitcase, sleep on someone’s sofa, and spend hard-earned money on priceless moments not even a camera can capture. Marvel at the world. When you return home to your fulfilling job, loving friends/family and comfortable home, you will see a vibrant tinge to everything that once seemed dull.
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6. Heartache? It is the stuff of legends.
If you have been lucky enough to experience the gut-wrenching, ass-kicking heartbreak that the best narratives are made of, you, my friend, are a champion. They say that the best things come out of the shittiest dump of a predicament life has curve-balled your way. Only you can make that statement true. This is where you will have to do everything mentioned above with the most commitment ever to be able to win this battle. But before that, wear your heartache proud. Even if you did not bring it upon yourself, take responsibility to rid your life of those who have played a part in pushing you down. What has hurt you, human or not, has had their chance at life with you and blew it. Only if that something died a natural death can you excuse its disappearance from your life. But anything up-ended by someone’s unilateral, selfish decision deserves to be in left in the past. Help yourself and put its remains in a box. Return to sender or put away out of sight permanently or until you decide you can use that appliance without any angst. Hopefully to make pastries for the other loves in your life and the new one that’s just about to come your way.
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Maybe you wanted it to last a little longer. I know getting your heart’s ass kicked really sucks but I tell you, for the moment that you are in the fire, it will be the fuel to ignite the rocket that you are. So let it hurt. Cry to a song, cry with a movie or cry in the silence of prayer. Relish your heartache and feel the cleanse that each tear brings. Speak freely of thy pain to those who will let you do it for 10 minutes at a time then push you to wash your hair and put something nice on. Don’t be embarrassed that it didn’t work out. Be grateful for the chance you had. Be proud of how you fought for what was important to you. Thank God that you are alive and have today to put into practice what you learned yesterday. Whoever caused this will get what is coming to them. Just like how you will get what you deserve, BETTER. You have to let the crash burn you. Then rise out of it all… like a Phoenix! So put away everything that keeps you hung up on the past, pay more attention to those that appreciate your existence and give yourself all the love you would like to receive. Repeat 1-5 as often as you can.
What’s your heartbreak story?
This is what I needed to read, succumb and internalize. I am right in the middle of studying when I decide to take a five minute break and have a quick browse over your blog again.
Bianca, I don’t think you can fully comprehend how much it brings tears to my eyes every time I read an inspiring blog post like this and how it literally opens my eyes to improve myself and strive with passion to dedicate myself to the everyday life the Lord Almighty God has Blessed me with.
I appreciate you for opening up to your fans including myself insert ‘special mention’ much, hahha lols with regards to the life lessons you have come across, how that has shaped and molded you and I just … LOVE how you are so generous to translate your thoughts and words of advice on a blog. It seems so surreal… to be reading each and everyone of your posts because as I mentioned before you really have inspired me to start studying again and this time with a desire and passion to succeed in my chosen field of studies.
I seriously can’t wait to go to the Philippines one of these days and pay your yoga studio / restaurant a visit! My gosh, even though we haven’t personally met in real life I feel like I’m already getting to know the real genuine you along with your other fans. <3
Can I just add one more thing? 🙂 I've never had an older sibling to look up to since I am an only child and most of the time my parents were never really around. With that being said, I credit you for being my role model because when I take a good look around these days… honestly I don't seem to find anyone else good to look up to 😉
Looking forward to your blog article lined up regarding study + time management. 🙂
Love many loads,
Hannah from Sydney, Aus 🙂 XO
Hi Hannah. Have you experienced a heartache too?
hi, B.
its Friday morning here, when i stumbled upon your blog, then it led me to this entry. everything you wrote, just brought back memories of what i went through. i’ve been out of a decade relationship for three years and man, the pain is real & excruciating, those “you feel like its the end of the world,” “you’re going to die” are just real. i was depressed. i resorted to drinking every night, to the point of experimenting with alcohol and meds–def not a good combo, & it scared the sh*t of out me. i never had a chance to travel, altho i do whenever i have the opportunity, but what helped me is running. everytime i feel like crying, i go out & run. from 2.5 miles, i ran 5 miles everyday. it saved me. it saved me from depression. and i agree with you, B, i owned up to my mistakes, i came peace with my self, and after three long years, altho i there are times when i think about that heart break, i still get sad, but i have to move on–pain is always there, i just got used to it. i havent been in any relationships, i guess i am still recuperating. & you are right, B, i have to make a better version of me. ok, it’s almost 8 am here, ive to go. thank you for your words. you empowered my day. have a great day to you. x
Wow I’m really touched by everything you said. Heartbreaks are the best thing that could ever happen to you. Because you get stung and burned so badly that have all the reasons in the world to make big changes in your life. I bet you were so comfortable in that 10 year relationship so now you need to take yourself out of your comfort zone to truly soar into happiness. Challenge yourself everyday, change your environment, read financial success stories of innovators, book a damn ticket and go somewhere exotic like New York! (concrete jungle naman eh. Kidding)
Seriously, Thailand, Maldives, Hawaii… just go!
Oh boy you need to let that ishhh go!!! 3 years is too much time. It’s time for you to fully love yourself and be positive about finding the right one. The one who’s lined up to meet you when you’ve prepared yourself enough. So go work our, travel and read a lot! Be the best version of yourself.
I was there too! In the same situation you were. Wow.
After my gut-wrenching heartache, I traveled. Met people, learned new things, made new experiences and now, I’m in Africa!
I truly love myself! I love my awesome life and I appreciate all those who love me and stood by me, more than ever.
It’s amazing how break-ups tend to be like slingshots. They shoot us to somewhere better than where we were.
More power to your blog, Bianca. #live #love #laugh
How amazing! I guess I spoke the truth, huh? I wasn’t the only one who found enlightenment in traveling during heartache. Congrats on making it to Africa!
Since last night I can’t help but reading your article over and over.
Wow! I am really flattered =) I’m so happy my words have touched you that way.
How brave of you to share your heartbreak story, Bianca! 🙂 Love all the points you’ve made here, especially #3. I guess every breakup eventually leads us to loving ourselves, as well as those who truly matter, more. 🙂
Every break up is a blessing! Every heartache happens to make you stronger. I feel much stronger now (because my heart has been broken a few times hahaha). Thanks for liking my words!
Wow! I am really flattered =) I’m so happy my words have touched you that way.
Honestly,Ms. Bianca I can’t totally relate in this particular topic,perhaps if I turn back the times
during my younger days that in one way or another I surely had experience this so called heartache,
coz right now at my age of 54 and a solo parent of almost 19 years,my experience is far different from yours, my struggles in life and all sort of dilemna is quite far from over, domestically speaking, particularly in taking care of my grown up kids, providing them the basic needs aside from shelter and food and Education as equally important among the two is what makes me going and striving more, And you might be wondering why I have to take my time browsing and reading your blog is simply because I’m a big fan of yours, and I love reading Self-help topic of any concern that I know can help me.
Please count me in as your avid follower despite of our age difference and views in life, I really admire
your various unique talents that you selflessly sharing to everyone including myself.
Kind Regards,
We all have different life paths and struggles and that’s what makes us special. Thank you and keep reading! I love your name.
My goodness, RJ. I am so sorry you are going through that. You aren’t asking of my advice but if I were in your place, I would leave. Why?
I was in a relationship for almost 5 years and I didn’t want to be in it because I wasn’t in love. I wasted time, his and mine, by not being honest enough to break it off. He cheated and lied too.
If you can’t love someone, there’s no point in forcing the relationship. You are just keeping yourself from finding the right one because you are “attached” with plenty of baggage.
There is someone who will be a perfect fit for you. I promise.
But here is the best answer… save your money and travel alone! In that journey you will realise you do not need answers because you will start to see life from a different perspective and not care about your past anymore.
Thank you so much, B. I really appreciate your advise. 🙂
I will definitely consider travelling alone. If you don’t mind me asking , when you travelled to these places, did you have friends you visited or did you just randomly pick a place to stay in? And as you spent your day did you have someone do your itenerary or did you just let your mood dictate where to go througout your day?
I visited friends and family and stayed in my own hotel room too.
B, I left out some details as to why I’m having difficulty dealing with the choice of leaving my wife or not… I’d like to discuss with you in more detail… but is it possible for it not to be posted publicly?
Sure! Just email to [email protected]
Omg. Whenever i feel down and missing that person i always read this article. Thanks b. 😉 i hope i can be like you, like you that you’ve overcome the break up. Its really hard but im fighting. Thank you for writing this. 😉
I really read this article every time I’m down. And it reminds me to be better and rise above it all. You can do it! The fact that you keep reading what I wrote means you can relate and are on the way to recovery! Start today by booking a ticket!
Oh you’re welcome! Glad to be of service.
Hi Bianca 🙂 just watched u on call me papa jack show and i agree to ur advice for the caller, he was abandoned twice because his wife doesnt like and want to be with him anymore. I have to confess: i had a breakup txt to my ex bf back in 2012 and did not attempt to talk to him personally thinking he won’t understand and allow the breakup. He tried to contact me but i wont answer his calls and txt msgs.he talked to my closest friend asking about me & if my friend knew what happened to us. Ofcourse, my friend pretended she’s unaware & we haven’t seen each other kahit updated na ung friend ko. Then weeks after, ex bf blocked me & my friend on social media. Our breakup was January2013 and the same year, i knew he had a gf while me, i started dating Jan.2014 and had a bf on April but i was surprised and felt sad when i knew that exbf got married, July 2014. Few days after, my bf(RL) felt and noticed that i was too quiet and lately, out of my mind when we’re together & when he’s talking to me. I said i’m not okay & we’re not okay. (Real reason i’m not ok because i browsed and saw some wedding pictures of Adrian(exbf). When he asked me ‘why we’re not ok? I just told him i need time to fix a family issue & have to give more time at work. Haayst! He got mad then walked awy. Karma ko was: i received worst txtmsgs from RL(2nd exbf) which i didnt xpect he wud tell me those sh*t words. I didnt reply and just understnd he’s been hurt because of the pain & heartache i’ve caused. Now i’m 29 and single. I’m thinking what if i told Adrian my issues about him, maybe we had them fixed?or maybe i’m the one married to him? Now i have too many what IFs on my head but i know its too late coz he’s married. #Regrets now i’m trying to moveon and will do new work in a different location, new company, new officemates.
Thanks Bianca for taking time to read this & for aharing ur story and advice for someone like me who’s lost and numb about romantic love. God bless u and i’ll take time to read ur articles. Sana u’ll have a corner where we can seek more love advice from u kasi u said u had ur heart broken few times na and i have very few clise friends. Medyo introvert & shytype kasi ako. Anyway, you’re such a strong lady. I hope that i can be as strong as u. Thank you Bianca.
You can be strong, too! The fact that you’re starting another job is a good sign. Now all you to do is work out, lose weight, change your look and travel! You’ll be good as new, you’ll be more confident about yourself and you will attract the right kind of guy for you.
Advance Happy Birthday Bianca! 🙂 glad to know we’re both turning 30 this year. 🙂 Wish u all the best in life and love!
I was born 1986. I’m only 29 =)
hi ms.B! i was watching “call Papa Jack” last night luckily saw u guesting there, and u mentioned this awesome blog of yours, “heartbreak manifesto”, gusto ko lang sabihin na sobrang napahanga mo ako sa katatagan mo after the heartbreak u’ve been through, i wish i could survive like you because right now im facing also depression on a 10yr,relationship break up….its so hard to let go someone you really love…my mind says let go but my heart says hold on…after the break up i felt like a zombie everyday, gumagalaw pero walang buhay 🙁 im lucky there’s someone like you whom i can talk too,like i wanted to be your friend, because its really hard for me to open up stuff like these even to my friends and families, they might misjudge me,because im in a very complicated relationship…what is important to me is our love for each other i don’t care if it’s a complicated one…but now i just want to get out from this depression…im trying the “no contact rule” for 1 month right now we’re not communicating for 2 weeks,.today is supposed to be our monthsary kaya naiisip kp pa rin siya..trying to focus muna sa sarili ko and ayusin din muna buhay ko but its really hard!!! i want my life back…pls,help ms.B!
I know it seems like it’s the hardest thing in the world to do but you really need to let it go. Don’t even think it’s going to work out anymore. Find a new hobby and travel. Hang out with your friends everyday and watch a lot of sad movies with them. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t know your worth and doesn’t want to be with you. Work on yourself so you can find someone new!
Hi Bianca, a co teacher of mine told me about what she watched on an episode of Papa Jack’s show wherein you are the guest then we watched it again because she wanted to search for your blog out of curiosity because you mentioned that a lot of learning on that blog in handling a heartbreak…I may not be heartbroken as of this moment but as we finished reading your article it reminds me of my situation 5 years ago as i call it the greatest heartbreak of my life when I thought that my world would stop spinning and I don’t know how to pick up the broken pieces of me.That was really memorable because that relationship is against all odds and also a long distance drama…I almost turned back to my family just to be with him staying in a relationship that I felt a fairy-tale one..I go solo.I do a lot of things on my own just to prove to my family that he is the one but just like you one night I answered a phone call..a nightmare..he’s breaking-up after he said those lines I hold the call as I hold my breath in letting things absorbed by my mind and heart then I just cry alone over night and go back to work but feeling like I’m just floating.What I did I still visited him in Pangasinan because I want to end things personally and what to clear things no baggage to be carried out.We went to Manaoag to end our journey with a prayer then we went to Baguio, I won’t forget Mines view that place serve as the place where I burst out.I cry out loud all the things that my heart wanted to say after that trip day by day I pick up all the pieces of me and you are right you really can’t find the answers right away why those things happen you are the one responsible in searching for the answers then one day you’ll gonna say Now I know why it happened..and you will thank God that you’re really a fighter after that storm and discover how that heartbreak made you stronger and better person…Hope you have more people to inspire out of your blogs..Keep it Up and more power!!you deserve a knight and shining armor..
Hi Bianca, a co teacher of mine told me about what she watched on an
episode of Papa Jack’s show wherein you are the guest then we watched it again
because she wanted to search for your blog out of curiosity because you
mentioned that a lot of learning on that blog in handling a heartbreak…I may
not be heartbroken as of this moment but as we finished reading your article it
reminds me of my situation 5 years ago as i call it the greatest heartbreak of
my life when I thought that my world would stop spinning and I don’t know how
to pick up the broken pieces of me.That was really memorable because that
relationship is against all odds and also a long distance drama…I almost
turned back to my family just to be with him staying in a relationship that I
felt a fairy-tale one..I go solo.I do a lot of things on my own just to prove
to my family that he is the one but just like you one night I answered a phone
call..a nightmare..he’s breaking-up after he said those lines I hold the call
as I hold my breath in letting things absorbed by my mind and heart then I just
cry alone over night and go back to work but feeling like I’m just
floating.What I did I still visited him in Pangasinan because I want to end
things personally and what to clear things no baggage to be carried out.We went
to Manaoag to end our journey with a prayer then we went to Baguio, I won’t
forget Mines view that place serve as the place where I burst out.I cry out
loud all the things that my heart wanted to say after that trip day by day I
pick up all the pieces of me and you are right you really can’t find the
answers right away why those things happen you are the one responsible in
searching for the answers then one day you’ll gonna say Now I know why it
happened..and you will thank God that you’re really a fighter after that storm
and discover how that heartbreak made you stronger and better person…Hope you
have more people to inspire out of your blogs..Keep it Up and more power!!you
deserve a knight and shining armor..
Yeah, heartbreaks can be really unforgettable. But you’re better off turning it into a valuable life lesson and use it to improve yourself.
Good day ! Miss Bianca im one of yor amid fan:)
I watched you last week on tv5 together with papa jack ,i was inspired for all wonderfull thoughts that u sed,
Lindly reply to me so i can open up to you my problem if it’s okay with you 🙂 GOD BLESS 🙂
Sure, Cookie!
I can only advice these
1) surround yourself with positive people.successful high qualitu people that will uplift you and people who is always excited about life
2) always always always think positive. Speak what u want as if u already have it. Do not apeak what u do not want.
3) read motivational books listen to inspirational cds and always believe in your self
4) dont surround urself with people who is not helping you at all. Spend ur time not only with activities but make yourself productive. Activities vs productivity
Good luck
Yup you got it! Smart girl!
woooah!i just saw kanina lang ung news about the break up text.grabe relate much ako and i had this shame feeling na ginawa sakin un kaya i was really surprised wen u blew it all out!parang mai relief na “uy indi lang pala ako and tingnan mo pa isang bianca king pa!grabe. so i hurriedly searched for this site kase i wanna know kung pano mo nahandle lahat ng un kc honestly til now it’s haunting me.cguro ganun pag walang formal na closure.ang hirap di mwala sa isip ko even sa dream hayy naku.til now single parin after 4 years na nangyari un ewan ko.kaya talaga this will be a great help for me knowing na indi lang pala ako meron din palang iba so im happy kc nakikita ko sau na ur happy and God really saved u from the wrong one.and u really deserve,we all deserve the best kc un ung gusto talaga ni God for us. i wanna be like u kc ur beautiful inside and out. nakikita ko un sa mga instagram posts mo na iba ung glow and naiinspire talaga ko sa mga pipol like u na kahit na sikat, mafefeel mo talaga ung humility and their gratefulness kai Lord. i pray that God will continue to bless u all that u deserve and thank u for sharing ur thoughts Ms. B!.. 🙂 <3
Naku maraming salamat! Masakit talaga yung nangyari nung una. But I let go of it right away, after a few of realising things weren’t going to change. I made the decision to move on and travel, to find myself. So it is possible to move on fast from a terrible heartache. You just have to take certain steps. At tams ka, may mas mabuting tao na naghihintay lang na makilala mo. So don’t waste time on someone who doesn’t value you.
Lovely write up Bianca! Honest, vulnerable and truly humane.
I will keep in mind the points you have outlined and take them by heart…
fellow Benildean and Dreamer here!
– Aly
Cool! Happy to hear that you connected with my words!
When life gives you lemons, I say detox. With life, just literally remove all the toxic people and remove yourself from toxic situations. 🙂 S/O to all those who survived their worst, heart crushing break ups! The best is yet to come 🙂 And to those who think that they will never be able to move on, YOU WILL. I experienced the worst </3 of my life, the kind that you never want to wake up again, like a comet crashing to your heart, or like drowning but u just wont die (no exaggeration) it really felt like that. after one year i still am picking up the pieces, but its the best feeling ever, to be able to move on from something you thought you will never be able to. Heartbreaks are always blessings in disguise, it brings something out of you that u thought u never had, believe that! Thanks B for a nice article, bookmarked. xx
Haha so true! We learn the most from heartbreaks.
What a heart to heart message..i myself too struggling with now…but these passages i was enlightened up. Whatever the difficulties in life,there so much things to consider that makes you whole again.. Christ alone,love yourself, love nature, loving ones..I should move forward, heads up and take a road trip to inner peace.
God bless your heart Bianca…
Wow this really hit home for me, Bianca. Thank you so much! I had my first girlfriend ever at the age of 21(now 22) and our relationship lasted a little over 9 months. It was great in the beginning but it started to dwindle moving into the 10th month. I was seriously hurt by her and thought that she was the one. In the end after getting myself together and consulting God I realized that I deserved so much better. It was a case where one loved the other more, and being that I have a very huge heart I was taken advantage of. I do have hope that I’ll find my Proverbs 31 woman one day. Meeting you in Cayman at the Independence Day celebration was the most honorable experience of my life because it led me to this very
blog. Thank-You so much. Do you have any advice for a young man like myself moving forward? Your blog has given me some great insight In but I was wondering if you had any other advice for me.
Congratulations for knowing what you deserve. It’s not easy for anyone to put their foot down and uphold their value. The only wisdom I can impart to you is work on yourself. Be a God-centered man who knows what he wants in life and takes good care of himself. So that in the future, you know how to care for the woman in your life. Be healthy and happy!
Hi Bianca! This post has inspired me so much to work harder in improving myself. This is just what I needed. I am going through crazy things right now and reading this made me feel better. You’re not only beautiful , but also a very intelligent woman. From now on, I will tiptoe in whatever I’m doing in my life and work hard, but also take care of my body, mind and soul.
This will be my go-to post whenever I’m in need of some enlightenment. You should definitely write a book!
Wow thank you! Really happy you relate to my writing. I will write a book someday. But until then, it all goes on this blog. I wrote a new entry about what I learned when I turned 30
Hi B,
Thank you so much for being insightful and open in this article. I myself am going through a very bad break-up (the text kind – the worst, right?) and stumbling across this entry, I feel somewhat liberated. Especially I went through 3 break-ups (with same person) prior to finding this page, now is the time to book that plane ticket, travel and rediscover myself. I must admit the first 3 times, I travelled to get space but it never worked. I find it hard still to discuss the break-up presently but I am finding that when I continuously read this article something in me is being validated. I need to own up to my failings and rise. Just wanted to say thank you 🙂
x Ria – Sydney, Aus.
You’re welcome! I went through the same thing. 5 break ups with the same person and it’s never easy. I just reread my own article and I teared up reminding myself of what the hell is wrong with me. Keep checking back here. I will write more soon.
Thanks for the positive words and inspiration B 🙂 Godbless you more
You’re welcome =)
Hi miss B,
Just found ur blog today and I’m loving it. This blogpost of yours about moving on helped me realized that heartbreaks are just a dot in a long story of our life. It’s gonna be my medicine and I’ll make your advice as a platform to recompose myself to be a better person. Thank you miss B and have a wonderful life ahead. P.S. your a great instagrammer:-D
Heartbreaks are God’s gift to us! They are our greatest tool in becoming a better person =)
Literally just a few minutes ago,I learned from my own brother that my ex (we formally broke up last September) has gone FB-public with his new girl. The reason we broke up in the first place. I knew there was someone else. A woman knows. But a picture and a confirmation still hurts. Although no part of me wants him back and I am everyday grateful that by that relationship ending I’ve been gifted with the chance to find the best person and lasting love for me,my ego still aches. I know that the ease with which he found someone else and cheated on me only speaks of his character and not my worth but there’s still pain. Re-reading your article has helped accept that I am hurt now.But that doesn’t mean I will never completelt heal.
Thank you.
Of course you will heal! But you know what, you have complete control over this process. The sooner you commit to moving on, the faster you will heal. Then suddenly your life will take a huge turn. Everything will be fun and beautiful! Time to throw away everything that reminds you of him and establish the “NO CONTACT RULE.”
Hi Bianca, Nice Blog and website. Love your photos. I read your manifesto. #s 4&5 are good. #4 I can do anytime. However #5 is complicated right now. I will get through it.
There is a time for everything. But if you really want to do something, you have to act on it =)
Indeed! 🙂
Hi Bianca,
I always read this blog whenever im down and damn every words you wrote make sense! Im currently in this limbo, that so-called no label relationship and its eating me. I know i deserve more and nothing less. I hope ill be able to get out of this limbo and love myself more. I know ill get through this but now i know i need to savor the pain and work on my way towards self-love. I hope you write more inspiring stories 🙂
Im glad you were inspired. More to come! =)
Hi Bianca! Your words empowered me. Fresh from a heartbreak, and been going up and down and back and forth from being okay and being a mess.
I am on the wildest, most nasty roller coaster of emotions ever in my life and I just want it to go away so badly.
Your writings, brave and mature, is slowly but forcefully dragging my face up from the mud of pain I am wallowing in.
My story is a little different. I am not coming from a break up, instead I am trying to emerge and move on from a pain within a relationship that I am choosing to keep.
All I ever want to do now is to regain my shattered confidence, love myself more, have my best body and be happy again. Your article is helping me do just that.
I want to be empowered, to finally let go of the past hurt, to forget ( which is the hardest) and to be new and whole again and find my security once more.
Thank you. Thank you. Just looking at how far you have emerged from your own heart ache inspires me to do the same.
It makes my heart a bit okay now. ?
Thank you so much miss BiKing ?
Thank you for that aspiring and inspiring words of yours. I hope to see you in person. God bless and i wish you could help those whose suffering from their heartbreak. Malakas tayo. Kaya natin to ?